Services that We Provide


a) Property Sale Services
This service is addressed to property holders. We undertake selling these properties through our wide customer list, pending to find the suitable property, and of course through our website – directing to all credible search engines – with appropriate demonstration and promotion.  In order to undertake selling your property we need to have various documents. To see what we need look here.
b) Purchases

Purchase services involve the process of searching and locating suitable properties for potential buyers.
Habit deals with a wide range of properties and at least one of them suits your needs.
c) Lettings
Lettings, concern owners who are interested in letting their properties to others for personal or professional use. Especially in residences, letting has a minimum period of 3 months with a monthly rental or paid with a set amount for a particular period. We offer on our website Free Rental Listings for this purpose. Lessors need to click the “Create Free Rental Listing” button, login or register (if they aren’t already), fill in the form with all the necessary details concerning their property, write their personal contact details (telephone, email or other) in the description in order that interested people get in contact directly with them, and then Publish the listing. There are no brokerage fees applied.
d) Rentals
It addresses to potential renters for personal or professional use. If you are interested in renting one, you can choose according to your requirements through various listed properties. For businesses, we can give you some investment ideas, by showing you areas with commercial activity and properties for business exploitation. Having the perfect location for your business enhances your business mission and helps you meet your target objectives. If you need this kind of help feel free to contact us through the Real Estate Inquiry Form in our Home page.


a) Estimations
The valuation of a property is a prerequisite for the correct determination of its market value. It is a key element that determines whether a property sells. The appraisal of the market value is provided free of charge to the owners who exclusively entrust us with their properties. The appraisal of the market value of the property is carried out when the sale of this property is planned, based on the market conditions and the data of the business activity in which it will be included. It is an essential element in assessing the feasibility or otherwise of purchasing a particular property and a tool for comparing different properties for discerning investors. It is an important decision-making tool.
b) Accountancy
All accounting prodecures are carried out by contracted accounting/tax offices with direct monitoring by us to ensure accurate and fast service.
c) Legal Control
Before undertaking any delegation to represent for selling a property, we make a first summary legal control. Prior to the signing of final contracts or other official documents, a full and thorough legal review is conducted by our associate attorneys. In that way, we ensure the highest protection measures possible for both parties.


Constructions and engineering consulting
At Habit , relying on the experience and expertise of our sister company DOMON, and in cooperation (and our own overall supervision) we undertake any construction and technical consulting service. All this is explained with all the necessary details on the page about Constructions. Examples of some of our works you can be found on our Portfolio page.


a) Maintenance and Property Care <
Habit takes over all relating tasks for property surveillance such as bills, wages, cleaning, gardening and conservation check control.
b) Customer Support
 staff is always available. You can either contact us via email, telephone or visit us. Please view our  Contact page or note our contact details in the footer of this page. We are willing to help in any way we can!

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Idyllic plot with ocean view

  • €55.000
  • Island: Leros, Katakrotíri
  • Plot of Land

Two plots with small house and sea view

  • €70.000
  • Island: Agathonìssi, Agathonìssi
  • House, Plot of Land

Plot with sea view for residential/touristic use

  • €120.000
  • Island: Leros, Drymonas
  • Plot of Land

Plot with sea view in serene bay

  • €800.000
  • Island: Leros, Blefouti
  • Plot of Land

Four bedroom home in great location

  • €480.000
  • Island: Leros, Padèli - Spìlia
  • House

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